Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Crazies - Ridiculous Merchandise of the Day

Jil Sander Vasari Bag

Details of product:
Made of brown covered paper
Stitched seams on both sides
Metal eyelets at the bottom
Jil Sander printed on front panel
Price: USD290

Yes, yes, you read it right. It is indeed a brown paper bag, one of those that you probably use daily to carry your lunch in. Yes, yes, you read the price right as well. It is indeed retailed for a whooping $290 in US dollars. No, I don't understand it either, but I think Fight Club is making more and more sense by the day. Just imagine how many things $290 can do. I went and took a look on the American Oxfam website and found that for the poor communities in third world countries, $290 could means:
Around 8 water purifiers
Nearly 6 sheeps or goats
Approximately 11 mosquito nets
Funding almost enough to train 2 midwives

Society is going crazy.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Archive Picture - Australia

Because I have to organize something that I'm going to say. This is archive picture day.
I took this on my first day of the trip to Australia last year. It was off season as it was Winter there, and the weather was just in general cold, wet, and dreary. This is downtown Melbourne, just off the street from where we parked. By the way, that parking lot was likely one of the most expensive one we could have possibly found, but of course we didn't realize that until later. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

A bit of an introduction

Some of my friends who have known me for a while know that I write. I've been writing since High School, and my topics cover just about everything. From practical journalism pieces for school paper, to semi-correct research paper that's really boring, to ridiculous story that I'm too embarrassed to even tell my friends about. 
I've entertained the idea of starting a blog, since writing has become one of my favorite pastime. But then I have no idea what to write about, or if my writing is even half decent so as not to embarrass myself all over the internet. So I've thought about it, then did little about the idea. That's until recently.
I was recently informed of a Master's degree from HKU for people who are interested in creative writing. I've looked into it, then thought more about further education in the field of English and writing; international journalism, perhaps, or screenplay writing. Then I talked to a friend at work. He was trying to get his book published, a non-fiction he has been writing for the better part of a year about finance, and was complaining about the difficulties of finding someone who is willing to publish his book. We then started talking more about it, and he mentioned blogging. It was then that I started thinking about starting a blog, again.
I've blogged, however briefly, about beauty and fashion. And I've since discovered that those are not exactly something that I can keep on writing week in week out. I've also thought about blogging about current issues and social commentaries, a la The Libertines Pub, but that might be a little too heavy for my taste. I tend toward the melancholy anyway, and tackling heavy weight issues like the Hong Kong government policy might be a bit out of my league as of now. So I might write about some fashion, some beauty, some personal observations, and some general non-sense. Consider this your warning, there might be a lot of general nonsensical entries ahead. Read at your own risk!